I've Finally Joined the Modeling Community

After years and years of getting substandard guitar tones while recording demos due to not being able to crank my amps up, microphones, mic placement, etc ... I finally pulled the trigger. I am even planning on using this on my next official EP release and cut out the above mentioned process and cost of a big recording studio. 

After much online comparrison and hearing various units live, my ear always gravitated towards the Fractal family. I thought about the AxeFx III but when looking at the features between that and the floor model with the same amp models, cabinets, and effects I chose the more portable option. The feature I'm most looking forward to is re-amping. I can record a dry signal into my DAW then run it back through the FM3 and choose different amp models until I find the one I like and print that to a different track, all while listening to how it sounds in the mix. Then if it turns out to not be just what I was hoping for I don't have to re-record the guitars from scratch but just re-amp again with whatever tweaks I want to try. I will also be using it live, whenever that might be. It only has the three physical buttons but it's easy to switch between other views and layouts and I really don't need many options live anyway. 

Stay tuned, can't wait for you to hear it on one of my recordings soon!