I've been a lifelong Windows/PC user, never had a Mac. But I can't tell you how many times I've been playing guitar in my studio and have an idea I want to record before I forget it or had someone come over to record and when I turn my laptop on I've got Windows updates to install that are messing up my audio and it ends up taking half an hour before my laptop is ready. So incredibly frustrating! I'm in the middle of writing my next EP and recording demos and I've been having so many issues I finally pulled the trigger. I only waited this long because I thought there would be a steep learning curve and the last thing I wanted to do was waste time trying to set software up, recording interface up, and figure out how to work the thing while recording these demos. It was incredibly easy, very intuitive, a super easy transition. And so far no issues when I'm ready to lay an idea down. 100% satisfied, no regrets!

Maybe I'll post a clip of one of my demos next ...