What's old is new

When I got married I had one year left of college (took a few years off to pursue music beforehand). As such, I didn't have much money and what I did have went to the much more important rings on her finger. A Costco platinum band was just fine with me. Fast forward  15 years and we decided it was time for an upgrade. It just so happened that our son's club swim team coach (Junior) and his wife (Kendall) were renting the lower floor of our house and she is an artist. An artist who happened to know how to design and work with jewelry. So we worked with her and came up with a custom wedding ring that fit my style - skulls and flames :)  . So she made a wax mold and had it made in silver and it was awesome. Until after some time where we discovered how soft silver rings really are and my ring lost all of the skull detail (see picture - yeah, those blobs were skulls). Anyway, my wife contacted Kendall this last fall and was talking to her about getting it remade only this time in platinum. She still had the mold and sure enough they pulled it off and it's so awesome to have the skulls back on my finger! 

Thanks so much Kendall and Wendy, I love it!


new / old                              new / old