Cleaning Off the Cobwebs

It's that time again and I must say I'm looking forward to it. My gear is a little dusty as it's been awhile since I've really done much playing or writing or recording. Also, I've been away from my main home for most of 2020, isolating to keep my son with as little exposure to Covid as possiible.I did bring minimal recording equipment so I can get eough recordings done but I do miss my studio back home. 

I've been busy remodeling our vacation home and it's just taken up a lot of time and energy but it's also been a good distraction from the dreary state of the music industry during this Covid pandemic. I mean, it's not like I can play any live shows to promote myself or any new music, so I guess it's good timing to get that over with. The remodel is pretty much done and now I'm ready to focus on some New Year's goals like having an actual website (check) and writing some new material. In the past I haven't restricted what comes out - if it's mellow or heavy or in-between I just let it flow. And I think I'll keep doing that but this time I'd like my release to be more on the heavier side so maybe I'll just need to write more songs until I have enough heavy ones I feel strongly about. But it's early and I might change my mind if there are some less heavy I really like.or maybe I can put those out as singles ... 

Anyway, just documenting the start of the writing process this time and am excited to see what come out!
